Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Our arrival begins at 9:10 am every day, with the school day starting at 9:25. Please note the start time and be sure to
have your child/children here on time. Students who are consistently tardy are at a disadvantage and usually arrive
feeling frantic and unprepared. All students who arrive after 9:25 a.m. must be accompanied to the front door by a
parent. Children should not be sent to the building without an adult. All students who have not been picked up by 4:25
pm will be returned to the office and a parent will need to retrieve them.
Our office is very busy from 3:00 p.m. through the end of dismissal. We kindly ask that you adhere to the following guidelines if your child will have a change to their normal transportation. Please notify us by 3:00 p.m. via e-mail to the homeroom teacher and the office secretary, Ms. Wolf at [email protected] or call the office by that time. Early dismissals should not occur after 3:00 p.m.